Advertising on these mobile web pages ensures Belize Phone Numbers List that the ads are viewed by those using mobile devices. Usually, if clicked, these ads will take the viewer to the mobile page of the advertiser. Companies like Google, Yahoo, and Microsoft are among the largest companies selling advertising space on their mobile content Belize Phone Numbers List pages, specifically on their search pages. A location-based service is one that allows an advertiser to send advertisements or other information to a mobile device based on its physical location. Belize Phone Numbers List Location based services are offered by cell phone networks which are able to track the general location of a mobile phone user through the process of triangulation.
If the mobile phone user has their Belize Phone Numbers List GPS system turned on, that will also serve to identify their location in a much more specific way. Once the network is able to find out where the user is, the advertiser can Belize Phone Numbers List send out an ad-based on that location. For example, if someone is walking down a street with a Starbucks on the corner, the location-based service can recognize that the person is near a Belize Phone Numbers List Starbucks and send them an advertisement for the store. A more passive version of this is to locate a physical base station in a specific location.
When someone comes into the vicinity Belize Phone Numbers List that has authorized the network to send them messages, the base station can send location specific information or advertisements to their mobile device. SMS marketing are advertisements served through text messages. This is a very common form of mobile marketing and one that can work Belize Phone Numbers List in both directions. Advertisers can send messages to a network of mobile users all at once, while mobile users can send text messages back to the advertiser's short code. The Belize Phone Numbers List short code is the 5 or 6 digit number than many advertisers use in their SMS communications.